Successful Email Marketing and Strategy – Basic Guide

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Email Marketing and Strategy

Are you planning to boost your business with an email marketing campaign? Then you required the best email marketing and strategy. When we promote our business through email or newsletters then it is called Email Marketing. For email marketing, the basic need is an email list. Email is the list to whom we send the emails. This list can be the gate through the website or other ways. Newsletters are used to provide information about your product information. To connect with the customer we use the newsletters to provide the information related to a new product or the products that customers may be interested in.

An email has the largest reach more than Facebook and Twitter accounts. According to the survey, 91% of users check their emails daily. Social media platforms like Facebook delivered only 2% of messages daily but 90% of email delivered to its customers. Consumers buy more products from email compared to social media and search engines, almost double of search engine. It has the highest ROI and a larger lifespan than any other medium. Most of the corporate uses paid email marketing for their business. These emails are mostly seen in your email inbox denoted with symbol “ad” as a mark of advertisement.

Email Marketing and Strategy advertisement image

Types of Email Marketing

Email Marketing Newsletters

The main goal of newsletters is to keep connected with customers. In newsletters, all the data regarding products can be shared with the customers. When the customer subscribes for the newsletters, that men are interested in that type of content or product. When we send the email to these customers there is lots of chance that they will perform call of action on it.

Transaction Email Marketing

Transaction emails will send when the user performs some action on your website. For example, when the user perches some product from the shopping site they will get the email of shipment confirmation or payment successful etc. Hear customers directly communicate with the company or they can ask the query if any. The opening rate of emails is highest.

Direct Email Marketing

Direct emails are also called as EDM (Email Direct Marketing). These types of emails are used when you don’t know the customer but you want to send the emails. In these types of emails, the opening rate of email is much lower but if the subject of an email is attractive mostly the peoples open it. These types of emails are used for sales promotion purposes.

Email Marketing and Strategy

To make an email marketing campaign successful we need a powerful strategy. The email must be responsive. It can be opened in any device whether it is mobile, laptop, or tablet. At the time of email sending emails, we have to specify for each category of customers. There is no use of sending the email of women’s bags to mail clients. Personalization of mail is a very effective way to interact with the customer. When you address someone with their name, age, gender it will get a positive impact on your mail. At the end of email campaigning, you must analyze the data and collect all the statics according to location, Age, Time of opening emails, etc. You can use these analytics for the next campaign and get the best results.

Email templet formatting performs important in email marketing. The best way of increasing the email opening rates is to send the mail in simple text format. There are no images, videos, or photos in it. We can also send our mail-in HTML formats. But the problem in this is if the customer internet speed is slow the data in an email takes a long time. When formatting HTML templet remember the width of templet is in-between 500px to 600px. The HTML file must be responsive and less than 1MB. If the subject of the mail is attractive and informative the open rate of mail increases. Focus on call to action after opening the mail and the landing page when they click on it.

At the time of an Email Marketing campaign, we track on it. Check the delivery report, Bouncing rate, Open rate, Click-to-Open rate, unsubscribe report, etc. On which location did the most emails open. How much peoples shares on social media. For the success of email marketing focus on customer requirements.

We MasterApp Technologies will help you to run your email marketing campaign for your business. To know more contact us.

Email Marketing Core Principles

The email must be responsive. It can be opened in any device whether it is mobile, laptop, or tablet. At the time of email sending emails, we have to specify for each category of customers. There is no use of sending the email of women’s bags to mail clients. Personalization of mail is a very effective way to interact with the customer. When you address someone with their name, age, gender it will get a positive impact on your mail. At the end of email campaigning, you must analyze the data and collect all the statics according to location, Age, Time of opening emails, etc. You can use these analytics for the next campaign and get the best results. Most of the time analytics will be provided by email marketing platforms like Mailchimp.

Email templet formatting performs important in email marketing. The best way of increasing the email opening rates is to send the mail in simple text format. There is no images, videos, or photos in it. We can also send our mail-in HTML formats. But the problem in this is if the customer internet speed is slow the data in an email takes a long time. When formatting HTML templet remember the width of templet is in-between 500px to 600px. The HTML file must be responsive and less than 1MB. If the subject of the mail is attractive and informative the open rate of mail increases. Focus on call to action after opening the mail and the landing page when they click on it.

At the time of an Email Marketing campaign, we track on it. Check the delivery report, Bouncing rate, Open rate, Click-to-Open rate, unsubscribe report, etc. On which location did the most emails open. How much peoples shares on social media. For the success of email marketing focus on customer requirements.

Hope you like our blog on email marketing and strategy. please leave your valuable comments and share the post. And also don’t forget we MasterApp Technologies will help you to successfully run your email marketing campaign for your business.

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